
SystemOne focuses on moving and interpreting critical data for infectious disease surveillance and response. The company works primarily with infectious disease diagnostic devices and global networks, offering apps, dashboards, notification engines and capacity building services for health systems. SystemOne has offices in Springfield, MA and Johannesburg, South Africa.

SystemOne’s device-independent and disease-agnostic platform, Aspect, currently works with Zika, Ebola, Tuberculosis, HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis C and more on a host of diagnostic devices in over 45 countries. SystemOne's platforms, GxAlert and Aspect, connect over 2000 diagnostic devices in 40+ countries, including Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan, and Myanmar.

DataToCare digitalizes medical test results collected in remote laboratories to sends them to a central server. MediScout has been developed as a tool to enable collaborative interventions to be planned, implemented and monitored: SystemOne Products